понедельник, января 22, 2007


Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) hacks

phespirit.info styles are defined in a single CSS document: www.phespirit.info/stylesheet/phespirit.css
phespirit.css hacks have been tested for consistency and accessibility using the following browsers:
  • Netscape 4.78 (NN4) on Windows 98 and Windows XP Professional
  • Netscape 6.21 (NN6) on Windows 98
  • Netscape 7.00 (NN7) on Windows 98
  • Mozilla Firefox (FF1) on Windows XP Professional
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.50 (IE5) on Windows 98
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.00 (IE6) on Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional
  • Opera 6.04 (OP6) on Windows 98 and Windows XP Professional
  • Opera 7.54 (OP7) on Windows XP Professional
  • Opera 8.02 (OP8) on Windows XP Professional

CSS Hack 1 : hiding CSS from NN4

Example code - to hide a horizontal rule width setting of 100% from NN4:

hr { width : 100%; }

/* */

By preceding single or multiple style(s) with /*/*/a{} and terminating the style(s) with /* */ all content in between will be invisible to NN4. Hacks for other browsers can be used inside this hack.

CSS Hack 2 : hiding CSS from IE4/5

Example code - to set a paragraph font-size of x-small for IE4/5 and a font-size small for IE6:
font-size : x-small;
voice-family : "\"}\"";
voice-family : inherit;
font-size : small;

Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 4 and 5 cannot detect styles after voice-family : "\"}\""; due to a bug in their implementation of voice-family. This example initially sets the font-size to a keyword value of x-small for all browsers, then terminates the style settings for IE4/5, recovers the voice-family style for IE6 (along with other browsers which do not have this bug) and finally resets the font-size to small.

CSS Hack 3 : hiding CSS from IE4/5/6

Example code - to hide a horizontal rule width setting of 100% from IE4/5/6:
html>body hr { width : 100%; }

Microsoft Internet Explorer versions, up to and including version 6, are unable to recognise style rules which include a child selector (two or more selectors separated by a ">" symbol) in the definition. This example checks for horizontal rule elements which are the descendant of a body element which in turn is the child of the html element.

CSS Hack 4 : hiding CSS from OP6

Example code - to hide a horizontal rule width setting of 100% from OP6:
head:first-child+body hr { width : 100%; }

Opera is unable to recognise style rules which include the :first-child pseudo-element in the definition. This example checks for horizontal rule elements which are the descendant of a body element which in turn is the first child (i.e. immediately follows) a head element.

CSS Hack 5 : hiding CSS from IE4/5/6 and OP6

Example code - to hide a horizontal rule width setting of 100% from IE4/5/6 and OP6:
html>head:first-child+body hr { width : 100%; }

By combining hack 3 and hack 4, CSS can be hidden both from versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer up to and including version 6, and from versions of Opera up to and including version 6.

CSS Font-Size Hack : setting equivalent font-size keywords for NN4/6/7, FF1, IE4/5/6 and OP6/7

Example code - to set a paragraph font size equivalent to HTML size=2 in all browsers:
EXAMPLE 1: this example assumes either that no DTD be applied or that the DTD applied is:

font-size : small;


body p
font-size : x-small;

html>head:first-child+body p
font-size : small;

/* */

The paragraph font-size is set four times in this example. It is initially set as small for NN4, after which all subsequent code is hidden within hack 1. It is then reset to x-small for IE4/5/6 and OP6, using the more-specific body p descendant selector method. It is then reset to small again, this time for NN6/7, FF1 and OP7, using hack 5, which contains even more specific methods.
EXAMPLE 2: in which the DTD applied is that used by phespirit.info:

font-size : small;


body p
font-size : x-small;
voice-family : "\"}\"";
voice-family : inherit;
font-size : small;

html>body p
font-size : x-small;

html>head:first-child+body p
font-size : small;

/* */

The paragraph font-size is set three times in this example. It is initially set as small for NN4, after which all subsequent code is hidden within hack 1. It is then reset to x-small for IE4/5 and back to small for IE6, using the more-specific body p descendant selector method. It is then set to x-small once more for OP6, and finally back to small for NN6/7, FF1 and OP7, using hack 5, which contains even more specific methods.
Example table - equivalences for CSS keyword font-size in various Microsoft Windows browsers:
HTML size 1
HTML size 2
HTML size 4
Netscape 4.78 see note (i) below
medium; bold;
Netscape 6.20
Netscape 7.00
Mozilla Firefox 1.00
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.50
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.00 (case 1)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.00 (case 2)
Opera 6.04
Opera 7.54

  1. There is no exact keyword equivalent to HTML size 4 for Netscape 4.78; phespirit.css uses keyword medium together with font-weight bold in preference to keyword large with font-weight normal.

  2. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.00 (case 1) assumes either that no DTD has been applied or, as in the case of phespirit.css, that the DTD used is:

  3. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.00 (case 2) assumes that any other DTD has been applied.

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